Elders have lived their lives, some knowing they’ve fulfilled their dreams and desires, and others that live in regret. However, the older generations have some crucial advice to pass on, whichever they feel, and we should be listening to them. There are times in life when we feel completely overwhelmed, whether it be by family life, friendships, or buried beneath work, and it’s during these times that we need to remember exactly what advice has been given.
Choose your Circle Carefully

When we grow up, many of us think it’s better to have more friends than quality friends. However, a piece of advice given by one elder is that “Some people will judge you for changing. Others will celebrate you for growing. Choose your circle carefully.” It’s much better to aim for quality over quantity. It’s essential to have friends who will always cheer you on when you decide to do something, rather than have those who dampen your moods or become jealous when you’re successful.
Live Each Day for Yourself

Many of us spend more time on others than on ourselves, and it’s our life. We must spend time every day taking care of ourselves in some way, whether making a cup of tea and adding sugar, going for a walk, or taking ourselves for lunch. Whatever way you decide to do it, put yourself first. One elder commented, “Live each day for yourself. I’ve reached sixty-something. I have been all things to all people. It’s my turn to be true to myself. If all I do today is breathe well, that’s okay, too. So treat yourself to peace. Days of self-discovery. Evenings with family and friends. Dinner and dancing. Find romance or not. Be happy, for when all is said and done, it’s your life. Embrace it.”
Chase your Dreams

Many of us are guilty of procrastinating and making excuses as to why we can’t achieve what we want. We put obstacles in the way that prevent us from chasing our dreams and goals. However, one elder said, “If you have a dream, go chase it because it’s not coming your way without effort.” You must take a step back and realize that your life is for you to live, which means you must do whatever you can to achieve your dreams.
How People Treat You is a Reflection of Who They Are

We often think people treat us a certain way because it reflects who we are, but this isn’t accurate. Elders agree that if a person doesn’t treat you nicely or fairly, it’s more of a reflection on them than you. It paints a perfect picture of who they are as a person. One elder said, “How people treat you reflects who they are. It has nothing to do with you.”
Don’t Focus on the Past

The past is in the past for a reason. No matter how devastating it might be or what one person did to you, you can’t change it, so there is no point in dwelling on it. Focusing too much on the past will hinder you from moving forward with your life, so you’ll always be stuck in the same rut. An elder commented, “You can not move forward if you are stuck and focused on the past.”
Start Going to Church

We understand that this isn’t for everyone, but elders think it’s essential to go to church for the community and religious benefits. Spending time with your family, attending church, and instilling a belief in everyone will give you a better and more positive outlook. One elder said, “Start going to church, have a good relationship with God, and a good prayer life.”
Never Stop Moving Your Body

There is nothing worse than growing older and having a lot of aches and pains, but it’s believed that regular movement and exercise can assist in easing these pains slightly. It’s important to remain active throughout your life, and it has many other health benefits that will give you a long and happy life. “I am 60, and I am a self-employed artist. I live alone, work alone, do most things alone,, and am NEVER lonely. I love creating art. I love doing what I want when I want. I would like to add to this list to never stop moving your body. So important. Dance in the house if you have to, but don’t sit all day. Take a break, but try as hard as you can to remain in motion,” said one elder.
What Doesn’t Kill you Makes you Stronger.

As we go through life, we’re hit with many challenges. At the time of these challenges, we might not think that we can get through them; we doubt our strength and ability. However, the good thing is you have survived 100% of your bad days, and that’s something to celebrate. One person commented, “Most important words you’ll ever conceive: what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Live by it, and you’ll learn to appreciate even the darkest times.
You Don’t Need a Calendar

So many of us live by the calendar or by a time, which can hinder us in what we want to do. We check the time to get to places on time, which is essential, but when you’re constantly clock-watching and waiting for each day to pass, you’re not truly living in the present and enjoying your life. One person said, “Don’t look at the calendar. Just keep celebrating every day.”
Celebrate Love as Much as Possible

When we’re growing up, we let our guard down slightly, and we often end up getting hurt. When this happens, we shut down and don’t want to open ourselves up to the hurt or allow ourselves to give everything to another person again. However, doing so will help you trust in others and create a better understanding of yourself. One elder said, “Fall in love, get married. Sex is to be encouraged.” Sexual intimacy is essential in a relationship, as it brings two people closer together.
Be Kind

We’ve all heard this phrase a lot over the last few years. Being kind is significant in society, and as Thumper once said, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say nothing at all.” Treat people as you would want to be treated, even if they’re coming across as cold or unkind, and remain kind because it will give a better picture of who you are. “Even if you feel hatred, keep it to yourself. Don’t hurt other people for any reason,” said one person.
You Control You

Throughout life, we feel like everyone around us controls us. The problem with this thinking is that we end up falling into repeated patterns of being controlled, whether at work, in relationships or friendships, and sometimes even with family members. Whichever it is, it’s time to take a step back and realize that you’re the only person who controls you. You have control of the actions you take, the words you speak, and how you’re feeling. “Nobody else controls you,” said one elder.
Crying is Important

Whether you’ve been brought up to hide your genuine emotions, or you think you’re weak for crying, it’s vital to rid these thoughts before you find it’s too late and you can never show emotion. It doesn’t make you a weak person to cry every once in a while when you need to. Making time to cry and let out your emotions is very important. Crying helps to release any pent-up anger, frustration, and sadness, preventing a downward spiral into depression. One elder said, “Make time to cry.”
Take time to travel.

There could come a time in life when you’re unable to travel. We all end up with more and more commitments the older we get, which can make it difficult to pack our bags and visit the places we want to visit. A forum member said, “Travel while you’re young and able. Don’t worry about the money; just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.”
Comparing isn’t Good for Anyone
If you spend your life comparing yourself to others or your life to others, you will miss out on some critical moments. Everyone’s life and circumstances are different, so there is no point in dwelling on what someone else might have that you don’t. It’s a waste of time. Appreciate what you’ve got because it’s guaranteed that someone will be looking at your life and wishing they had something that you have. “Don’t compare. You’ll never be happy with your life. The grass is always greener.”
Embarrassment isn’t for Relationships

If you’re in a relationship with someone you’re entirely embarrassed about and find yourself avoiding spending time with them outside of the house, it’s time to make the break. Relationships can be complex and challenging work at times, but they are also meant to be full of love, laughter, and good times. One elderly person said, “If you are embarrassed to be dating someone, you should not be dating them.”
Pets Combat Depression and Anxiety

If you’re home alone, without anyone around, and you start to think that life isn’t great anymore, you’re feeling a bit depressed. One solution you might like the idea of is getting your pet. It doesn’t have to be a big animal like a horse, but dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc., have been known to provide people with a higher quality of life, and they can combat mental health issues to a certain extent. One person said, “Have a pet. Life gets lonely sometimes. Pets are reminders of how we’re all living things.”
It’s Okay to Mourn

As we go through life, we get to a point where we realize that we’ve lost quite a lot. Whether it be friends we were once close to, family members, or even your life a couple of years ago. It’s okay to reflect on these people and moments and have a mourning process. Mourning isn’t just for the dead; it can be for living people, circumstances, and opportunities. One person said, “Take time to mourn what you’ve lost.”
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