How to Sell a Pool Table & Make the Most Money

Pool is the perfect sport of showmanship and skill, and selling your old billiards table puts those same skills to use.

Interest in the pool has spiked recently, with sales growing 20% to 30% in the last decade. Figuring out how to sell a pool table isn’t tricky, and it could have you on your way to a big payday.

How Much Can You Sell a Pool Table For?

Tables can range from $200 to $6,000, and there’s a noticeable difference in quality between these.

Consider The Age

How old your pool table is can decide if it’s classic or just old. Anything over ten years, and less than forty, is often looked down on like an old piece.

Look At The Condition of the Table

Is your table in good condition? Is the felt rip and stain-free, and does the table stand sturdily? If not, you could be losing out on some money. Consider investing in fixing the table up before you try to sell it.

What Make and Model Is It?

Look at the brand and see if there’s a table like that available anywhere online. Some of these can shoot up to $20,000 if they’re in good condition and have the right brand’s mark on them.

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