13 Best Paying Side Jobs for Paramedics Right Now

They must also thrive under pressure, be physically fit to maneuver people in need of help, be able to work in a team atmosphere, have compassion for others, and be detail-oriented. Whew – that’s a lot!

We’ve compiled a list of side hustles for paramedics that align with these characteristics. So, without further ado, let’s jump into some great side gigs for paramedics.

1. CPR Instructor

According to the American CPR Care Association, CPR Instructors can make $300 for one four-hour class or $54,220/ year (if instruction becomes a full-time position).

2. Nurse Midwife

With their medical background and ability to thrive in a stressful environment, paramedics are well suited to help keep a birthing mother calm while also keeping an eye out for signs that the mom-to-be should be referred to an obstetrician.

3. Contract Medic

Paramedics already know the job – treating injuries and illnesses – and they can find contracts from a few hours to a few months in duration. Best of all, if someone is already a paramedic, they are already qualified.

4. Emergency Room Technician

The job entails assessing patients and performing basic procedures. Because an ER tech is such a close fit to a paramedic’s existing position, many of the responsibilities will feel familiar.

5. Bartender

So if a paramedic is seeking a position to de-stress after their normal shift, crafting cocktails for cranky folks may not be the relaxing side gig they’re hoping for.

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