How to Get Free Stuff on eBay in 2023 (Easiest Ways)

by Erin Schollaert


eBay is a great site that seems to go in and out of popularity. You can buy collectibles, brand-new electronics, and anything in between as long as you know where to look on this site.

The best part is: you don’t have to pay for anything if you know how to get free stuff on eBay.

These are the top tips to grab some eBay free stuff, and why these items are even available for anyone who wants them!

Can you get free items on eBay?


Yes, you can still get free items on eBay! If you’re looking for ways to budget besides getting coupons in the mail, this may seem like a dream come true.

Although it’s not as easy as Craigslist, where you can go to a specific area of the site that’s made for free items: you can quickly find free items through other means.

One of the best ways to find free items is to look for new sellers.

Not only may they send you an item for free if you leave positive feedback, but they may also make simple errors like not tagging the listing with enough keywords, which can lead to nobody else finding the auction: and you grabbing the items for a shockingly low price.

You can also look at auctions that have recently closed without selling the item at all, most likely because it was not one of these best items to sell on eBay and wasn’t marketed well.

Contacting a seller after a failed auction that was set to less than five dollars might score you some freebies from eBay if they’re simply trying to get rid of the item.

Tactic for Success

When you’re surfing free things on eBay, make sure to check things like the shipping cost and whether they offer free local pick-up. If a deal sounds too good to be true: it probably is.

Why do people give things for free on eBay?

The main reason sellers give items away for free on eBay is because they’re trying to build up their reputation on the site.

If you’re new to selling on eBay, it can be difficult to gain a reputation of being trustworthy and sending out items that people want to buy and can use.

By giving away free items or selling them for pennies, they’re able to boost how many sales they make, fill out their reviews, and create connections with customers and people who like their items.

In fact, it’s a popular method to sell faster on eBay for new sellers.

If you’re open to giving reviews for free items, check out how to get free items on Amazon too.

Most Common Freebies on eBay

  • Promotional MaterialMany companies give away free items to boost their brand’s visibility.
  • Loved Collectables – Some collectors don’t want to throw away loved items that they know have little or no value.
  • Items for Reviews – If a company wants to build up their reputations and reviews, they’ll often give items away to boost it.
  • Mismarked Items – The best way to find gold is to look for mismarked listings. These allow you to score purchases for incredibly low amounts instead of what they’re worth.

Trend on the Rise

Americans spend over $1.2 trillion every year on goods that they may not need: which leads to clutter. There’s been a movement in recent years to start giving away some of that, which is why the free section on so many sites is wildly popular.

Is it worth trying to resell items?

When you receive free items on eBay, it’s hard to tell if you’ll be able to resell them for anything.

If you’re getting a free item from an artist or creative person who made the item, generally, it’s seen as rude and stepping on their toes if you relist it on eBay after that.

On the other hand, selling items that you got from sellers in exchange for a review or when they were simply trying to get rid of their stock isn’t a bad thing to do!

If you received a $75 lamp for free, and you don’t need it, you have every right to sell it. Plus learning to resell on the side is getting more popular every year, due to the earning potential and flexibility.


If you want to avoid stepping on toes, or offending smaller sellers, you can always consider listing it on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or one of these other marketplaces to sell stuff online instead.

This will keep your relationship with the people giving away freebies on eBay in good standing and will allow you to continue to sell and make a profit off of the freebies you receive.

What should you avoid for free on eBay?

When you’re looking at free items: it’s vital that you’re careful about the listing you follow through on.

Recently there were many listings offering “free any size projector screen + free shipping” to anyone who would take it – which sounds like a great deal until you read the listing which asked for people to email them directly.

Don’t contact any seller outside of the main eBay channels, and don’t click on any links that you don’t recognize.

Scammers understand the allure of free items and use this to try and get your money or scam you out of your time or identity.

Signs of an eBay Scam

  • No Previous SalesIf they’ve never sold items before, and their freebies seem high-value, be careful.
  • Asks to Contact Off-Site – Any listing that asks you to contact them off-site should be reported immediately.
  • Low Ratings and Reviews – Check ratings and reviews, if they’re low or bad it could tell you they’re untrustworthy.
  • Deals are Too-Good-To-Be-True – If the deals seem impossible: they probably are. Avoid listings offering a free flatscreen television or a vehicle.

How to Get the Best Free Items


If you’re eager to get the best items possible, the most important thing you can consider is timing.

Sunday evenings are when most listings are posted, usually between 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. Eastern Time.

This means that you’ll find far more free listings and have the chance to grab them before other people do.

Don’t be afraid to keep sorting by ‘lowest price + shipping’ on every search, and be wary of items that are free- but require you to pay over $10 shipping unless it’s a large item.

Wrapping Up

Whether you’re shopping for something specific or you’re just keeping an eye out for a good deal: the free section on eBay is an awesome destination.

Be wary of scams, and make some great connections!

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Erin is a business teacher and mother of three. When she’s not in the classroom or fulfilling her obligations as an A+ hockey and lacrosse mom, she’s working on her latest article.

About the Author

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Erin is a business teacher and mother of three. When she’s not in the classroom or fulfilling her obligations as an A+ hockey and lacrosse mom, she’s working on her latest article.