18 Trump Moves That Stirred Up Storms Across America

The presidency of Donald Trump was marked by a whirlwind of headlines, controversies, and policy battles that captivated the world’s attention. However, beneath the surface of these headline-grabbing events, there were numerous policy decisions and actions that went largely unnoticed, yet held significant implications for the nation. In this exploration, we delve into the lesser-known aspects of the Trump presidency, shedding light on achievements that, for various reasons, remained in the shadows. From criminal justice reform to healthcare transparency, this journey will uncover the multifaceted nature of his administration and provide a more comprehensive understanding of its impact. Join us as we unearth the untold stories that shaped the Trump era.

Prison Reform (First Step Act)

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The First Step Act, signed into law by Trump, aimed to reform the criminal justice system by reducing mandatory minimum sentences and offering opportunities for rehabilitation, helping to alleviate overcrowded prisons and address issues of justice reform.

Funding Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

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Trump signed into law a bill providing long-term funding for HBCUs, a crucial move to support higher education institutions that have historically been underfunded.

Veterans Choice Program Expansion

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The expansion of the Veterans Choice Program allowed veterans to access private healthcare providers, reducing wait times and improving healthcare options for those who served.

Tackling the Opioid Crisis

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The Trump administration allocated significant resources to combat the opioid epidemic, including increased funding for treatment and prevention efforts, which were vital in addressing a major public health crisis.

Space Force Establishment

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Trump initiated the creation of the U.S. Space Force, recognizing the growing importance of space in national defense and the need to address potential threats.

USMCA Trade Agreement

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Replacing NAFTA, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) aimed to modernize trade relations with two of the nation’s largest trading partners, potentially benefitting American businesses and workers.

Childhood Cancer Research Funding

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Trump signed the Childhood Cancer STAR Act into law, increasing funding for pediatric cancer research and improving access to potentially life-saving treatments for children.


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The administration rolled back numerous regulations across various sectors, with proponents arguing it boosted economic growth and reduced bureaucratic red tape.

Criminal Justice Commission

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The establishment of the Federal Criminal Justice Reform Commission aimed to review and reform the criminal justice system, potentially leading to long-term changes in sentencing and incarceration policies.

Historic Stock Market Gains

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Before the pandemic, the stock market saw record highs, benefiting millions of Americans who have investments in the market, even though it’s a contentious point of debate whether the president directly influenced these gains.

Religious Freedom Executive Order

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An executive order to protect religious freedom worldwide addressed global persecution of religious minorities, signaling a commitment to human rights.

Reduced CO2 Emissions

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U.S. carbon dioxide emissions saw a decline during Trump’s presidency, partly due to a shift from coal to natural gas and increased energy efficiency, despite the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.

Increased NATO Defense Spending

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Trump’s insistence on NATO members meeting their defense spending commitments pushed several countries to allocate more resources to their military budgets, strengthening the alliance.

Medicare Price Transparency

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The administration’s executive order aimed to increase transparency in healthcare pricing, empowering patients to make informed choices and potentially lowering healthcare costs.

Israel-UAE Peace Agreement (Abraham Accords)

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Trump’s role in brokering diplomatic relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates marked a significant shift in Middle East politics and was seen as a step towards regional stability.

VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act

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This legislation aimed to improve accountability within the Department of Veterans Affairs, making it easier to discipline or remove underperforming employees and protect whistleblowers who reported wrongdoing.

Funding for HBCU Infrastructure

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Beyond regular funding, Trump signed legislation allocating resources for infrastructure improvements at HBCUs, addressing long-standing infrastructure issues at these institutions.

Support for Opportunity Zones

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Trump’s Opportunity Zones policy offered tax incentives for investment in economically distressed communities, potentially spurring economic growth and job creation in underserved areas.

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