Boomer Wisdom or Boomer Hilarity? 21 Pieces of Vintage Advice That Leave Millennials in Stitches!

Boomers often advise millennials on various topics, including careers, finances, relationships, and life. However, there is some Boomer advice that is continually met with laughs from Millenials, including this hilarious advice:

Go to College

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A college degree is an investment in your future that will pay off in the long run. Not everyone can afford college; some people don’t want to stay in education. There are other ways to get good jobs that do not require a college degree, such as trade jobs.

Get a Good Job

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A good job will provide a stable income and benefits, but it is easier said than done. Younger generations must find a way to enter a job as they have family working in the business and have to compete with many other people looking for the few good jobs available.

Work Hard

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Millennials have grown up in a world where hard work only sometimes leads to success. They have seen their parents work hard and struggle to make ends meet. They have also seen people who do not work hard achieve success. As a result, millennials are less likely to believe that hard work is the only key to success.

Save Money

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Living costs have increased significantly in recent years while wages have stagnated. As a result, many millennials need help to make ends meet. They may need more money to save after paying for rent, utilities, food, and other essential expenses.

Invest your Money

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While Boomers invest in stocks and shares, the cost of living increases, meaning younger generations have little left to invest. They may need more money to invest after paying for rent, utilities, food, and other essential expenses.

Buy a House

couple buying house
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Buying a house is a significant investment and a way to build equity, but it is more challenging than it once was for people to secure an affordable mortgage. Millennials laugh upon hearing advice to buy a home and wonder where on earth they are meant to magic a deposit from.

Get Married and Have Kids

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Millennials are more likely to prioritize their careers over marriage and family than previous generations. They may want to establish themselves in their careers before they settle down.

Be a Good Neighbor

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Millennials are more likely to live in urban areas. Neighbors may not be as well-acquainted in urban areas as in suburban or rural areas. This can make getting to know your neighbors and building relationships with them challenging.

Give Back to Others

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Millennials are feeling burnt out. Millennials often juggle work, school, social activities, and other commitments. Finding time to volunteer or donate to charity can make it challenging.

Be Honest and Ethical

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Millennials have grown up in a world where dishonesty and unethical behavior are often rewarded. They have seen politicians, CEOs, and other influential people lie, cheat, and steal without consequence. This can make millennials cynical and skeptical of the importance of honesty and ethics.

Respect your Elders

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Millennials are more likely to challenge authority. They are more likely to question the status quo and stand up for their beliefs. This can make them less likely to respect elders simply because they are older.

Be on Time

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Millennials are more likely to multitask and juggle different commitments. This can make it difficult for them to stay on schedule.

Dress for Success

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Millennials have grown up in a more casual world. The dress code in many workplaces has become more casual in recent years. Millennials are more likely to wear jeans and a T-shirt to work than previous generations.

Be Polite and Courteous

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Millennials are more likely to value authenticity and self-expression. They may feel like being polite is inauthentic or fake. They may also feel like they should be able to express themselves freely, even if it means being rude or impolite.

Mind your Manners

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Millennials may feel like they are being judged for their behavior. They may feel like they must always be perfect to be accepted. This can make them feel anxious and stressed about minding their manners.

Be Grateful for What You Have

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Millennials are idealistic. They want to make the world a better place. They may feel like they should be grateful for what they have, but they also feel like they could be doing more.

Live in the Moment

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Millennials are used to multitasking and juggling different commitments. This can make it challenging to slow down and focus on the present moment.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

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Millennials are perfectionists. They were raised in a culture that values hard work, achievement, and success. This can make it difficult for them to let go of the small things and focus on the big picture.

Loyalty is Everything

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Millennials have grown up in a world where companies are constantly changing and evolving. They have seen companies merge, split, and even disappear. As a result, millennials are less likely to be loyal to a single company for their careers as Boomers did.

Stop Going Out for Brunch

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Many millennials struggle to make ends meet, and brunch costs are rising, so Boomers tell people to stay clear. However, brunch is a social event. It is a time to get together with friends and family and catch up. For millennials who may be feeling isolated or lonely, brunch can be a valuable opportunity to connect with others.

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