Dull Moments: 21 Blaring Signs of Low Intelligence Everyone Should Beware Of

If you are concerned about your intelligence or the intelligence of someone you know, look at these 21 signs to look out for.

Lack of Curiosity

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People with low intelligence often need more interest in learning or exploring new ideas. They may be content to live in their little world without questioning anything.

Inability to Think Critically

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People with low intelligence may have difficulty thinking for themselves. They may be easily swayed by others or by popular opinion. They may also need help understanding complex concepts or ideas.

Poor Problem-Solving Skills

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People with low intelligence may need help solving problems, even simple ones. They may need help thinking outside the box or creating creative solutions.

Poor Decision-Making Skills

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People with low intelligence may make bad decisions, often impulsively. They may not be able to weigh the consequences of their actions or think about the long term.

Limited Vocabulary

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People with low intelligence may have a limited vocabulary. They may need help with expressing themselves clearly and concisely.

Poor Grammar and Spelling Skills

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People with low intelligence may need better grammar and spelling skills. They may not be able to write or speak correctly.

Difficulty Understanding Complex Concepts

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People with low intelligence may need help understanding complex concepts, such as math, science, and philosophy. They may also need help understanding abstract ideas.

Difficulty Following Instructions

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People with low intelligence may need help following instructions. They may not be able to understand or remember what they are told.

Short Attention Span

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People with low intelligence may have a short attention span. They may quickly get bored or distracted. Certain environmental factors, such as noise and distractions, can make focusing and maintaining attention difficult.

Poor Memory

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People with low intelligence may have a poor memory. They may have difficulty remembering things, even simple things. Poor memory can complicate learning and retaining information, leading to academic and professional challenges. It can also make it difficult to remember essential details in everyday life, such as appointments, names, and directions.

Poor Social Skills

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People with low intelligence may have poor social skills. They may have difficulty interacting with others or forming relationships. People raised in dysfunctional families or environments where they were not valued or respected may have difficulty developing social skills.


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People with low intelligence may be more susceptible than others. They may be more likely to believe things that are not true, especially if they are told by someone they trust. Some people are naturally more trusting than others. This can make them more likely to be gullible because they are more likely to believe what people tell them, even if it is false.


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People with low intelligence may be closed-minded. They may be resistant to new ideas or perspectives. Some people fear change and may be closed-minded to new ideas because they fear what change might mean.

Lack of Common Sense

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People with low intelligence may need more common sense. They may make bad decisions or take unnecessary risks. People with little life experience may have difficulty with common sense. This is because common sense is often learned through experience.

Difficulty with Abstract Concepts

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People with low intelligence may struggle with abstract concepts like love, hate, and morality. Executive functioning skills are cognitive skills that allow us to plan, organize, and execute tasks. They also allow us to think abstractly. People with poor executive functioning skills may have difficulty with abstract concepts.

Poor Planning Skills

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People with low intelligence may need better planning skills. They may be unable to think ahead or anticipate the consequences of their actions. It is important to note that poor planning skills do not necessarily mean that someone is unintelligent. Many intelligent people need better planning skills. However, poor planning skills can lead to problems in both personal and professional life.


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People with low intelligence may be impulsive. They may act without thinking about the consequences. Impulsiveness is the tendency to act without thinking about the consequences. It can be a sign of unintelligence, but it is not always the case.


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People with low intelligence may be irresponsible. They may be unable to need help to follow through on their commitments or meet deadlines. Some people are naturally more irresponsible than others. This is known as trait irresponsibility. Trait irresponsibility is thought to be influenced by genetics and brain chemistry.

Lack of Motivation

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People with low intelligence may need more motivation. They may need to be driven to achieve their goals. People with clear goals or a sense of purpose may need help finding the motivation to do anything.

Poor Self-Awareness

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People with low intelligence may need better self-awareness. People with poor self-awareness may have difficulty understanding their motivations, emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. They may also have difficulty understanding how their behavior affects others.

Lack of Perspective

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People who lack perspective are often unable to see things from other people’s points of view. They may be selfish, self-centered, or narrow-minded. They may also be open-minded or unwilling to consider new ideas or perspectives.

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