Exploring Unpleasant Realities: A Detailed Examination of Five Less-Than-Ideal Aspects of Abraham Lincoln’s Legacy

A long-celebrated President, Abraham Lincoln, has been spoken about in many different movies, such as Lincoln, which stars Daniel-Day Lewis as the president, and the docuseries Amend The Fight for America, which exposes some truths about Abraham Lincoln and his negative attitude towards Black Americans. The series was hosted by Will Smith, who explores the history of the USA through a specific lens. He delves into the history of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which promotes equal protection and liberty for all US citizens. The series asked, “What does it mean to be an American?”.

The first episode of the series Citizen touches on the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which ended slavery in the USA. The signature of Lincoln on that document earned him a legacy within the history books, but some leave out the statements that show a negative legacy.

Lincoln Only Cared About Preserving the Union, Not Freeing Enslaved People

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The main goal for Lincoln during his time as president was to preserve the Union. As president, he saw the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, and it was said that he didn’t care much for the enslaved people. Christopher Bonner, a historian at the University of Maryland, stated in Amend, “Lincoln understands that slavery is bad, which is a good start. But he says that if I could save the Union without freeing any slaves, I would do so”. Will Smith commented, “He has got to get the South back, and at this point, he’ll do whatever it takes to win, even if it’s at the expense of Black Americans.”

He Didn’t View People of Color as Equal

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According to Columbia University historian Eric Foner, Lincoln invited African-American leaders to the White House in 1861. At this time, Lincoln further underscored their inequality rather than having a decent conversation and discussion about improving racial equality. Pedro Pascal read Lincoln’s address on that day during an episode of Amend. “Your race is suffering, in my judgment, the greatest wrong inflicted on any people. But even when you cease to be enslaved, you are far removed from being placed on an equality with the white race.” Will’s expression was evident, and he said, “I do not like where this is going.”

Black Americans Were Blamed for the Civil War

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In his address, Lincoln said, “Consider what we know to be the truth, but for your race among us, there could not be a war.” Lincoln is expressing that the reason for the Civil War was that there were Black people in America, not because of slavery.

Lincoln Wanted to Use a Colony in Central America to Relocate Freed Black Americans

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Lincoln said, “There is an unwillingness on the part of our people, harsh as it may be for you, free colored people, to remain with us. It is better for us both, therefore, to be separated. The place I am thinking about having for a colony in Central America.” Bonner notes, “Part of what Lincoln is doing here is trying to get at that gnawing uncertainty in Black people that maybe we can’t belong in this country. He’s saying, we all understand that equality is what this country’s supposed to be about, but really, racial inequality is not going to happen, so get with the program.”
An abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, was angry at Lincoln, and the solution they found was to convince Lincoln that he needed Black Americans to win the war. This was used as encouragement to treat Black Americans as equals. Douglass argued that it wasn’t possible to win the war without abolishing slavery, and he said that men “who would be freed themselves must strike the bow.” The logic was that if Black men shed their blood by fighting for their country, they should be considered citizens. Bonner added, “Douglass is convinced they will prove they are citizens, that they’re deserving of rights and legal equality.”

The Emancipation Proclamation Was to Win the War

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The plan that Douglass had worked even though, at the time, Lincoln couldn’t “conceive of the United States as a biracial society. His views will begin to move forward very dramatically.” Foner pointed out. Will Smith said in Amend, “Desperate for soldiers, Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation.” Foner added, saying, “The Emancipation Proclamation is issued as a military order. It’s to help win the war.”

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