Growing Up Solo: 12 Signs You’re An Only Child—And It Shows

Growing up as an only child can be a unique experience, especially if everyone around you has siblings. You might have felt lonely sometimes, and others, being the center of attention. However, here are some signs you might relate to if you grew up as an only child.

Adulting Fast

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Without siblings around a similar age, you can gravitate towards the adults around you instead. Even though it helps if parents’ friends have children to bond with, it isn’t the same as living with another child constantly. Some children also relate more to adults than other children. It’s great for when they get older and feel as if they can confide in adults if problems arise at any point. “Parents only. I’d say the ability to talk to adults at a young age and perhaps would rather talk to adults as a teen.”

Self Counsel

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Children alone often spend more time making and thinking of essential life choices. One user on a forum stated that he was never afraid to ask for help, but he chose not to ask for that help unless he’d been stuck on a problem for a long time.

Hard Time Relating to Others

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One person on the forum said, “Only child here. As a kid, I couldn’t relate to other children. Their behavior was completely foreign to me. Even now that I’m old, most people seem odd.” When you grow up as an only child, most of your life will be filled with adult and adult conversation, and this means that socialization can be complex from childhood into adulthood.

Close your Eyes

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“I told my bf to close his eyes and open his mouth (I was surprising him with candy), and he just did it with no suspicion.” When you’ve spent so long by yourself as a child, you trust in people more and believe that what they will do is genuine. If you have siblings, you’re more likely to be cautious about your actions.

Independent Thinkers

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It’s always good to think for yourself, and as an only child, independent thinking seems easy. It’s also good to seek help from others; when you are unable, you might miss out on significant opportunities. “I am an only child… I’ve noticed I tend to make a lot of life choices on my own and don’t seek out a lot of advice or ask for help when I initially use it.”

More Exposure to Media

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As an only child, there might be less exposure to media than if you had siblings or cousins. This is because playing alone is less entertaining for a child than with someone else. This is the same if an only child doesn’t have or doesn’t play with their cousins. It’s all a bit boring. “One huge difference I see time and time again with those who have siblings – they had much more exposure to a longer timespan of media/music/games growing up.”

A Good Lonely Radar

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Those who grew up without siblings find it easier to be alone and find people less tolerable than others. One person on the forum said, “From my own experience, not being as prone to loneliness. The only time I really feel lonely is when I’m around people I’d rather not be with.”

Few Announcements

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One user said that her boyfriend, who has two sisters, would always announce whenever he was using the bathroom, for example. However, as an only child, the user said she didn’t have to make those announcements. As an only child, you have the perk of being able to control your own time and not let everyone know where you are and what you’re doing at all times during the day.

Good Entertainers

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If you’ve met someone who can easily occupy themselves and doesn’t need to be surrounded by other people all the time to have a good time, then they probably grew up as an only child. A user said, “Pretty good at keeping ourselves entertained or doing things alone/being independent.”

Fast Reconciliation

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One forum user said, “My bf is an only child, and it was his confusion at how I can be mad at my sister (my roommate) one minute and turn around and get ice cream or go see a movie together the next.”

No Sparing Tales

Woman laying on grass.
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Growing up with siblings usually means endless fights over little things and arguments. However, as an only child, you don’t have the same funny stories to share over dinner. An only child can have the time to play the games they want or eat the last slice of pizza without a threat. “Doesn’t flinch when someone makes a fist quickly.”

Friends Aren’t the Same

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One person who grew up with siblings said they knew that if they decided to smash a toy onto a friend’s head, they would understand if they never wanted to speak to them again. Still, if they did the same to their sibling, they would eventually reconcile and resolve their differences.

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