Religion’s Dark Side: 18 Troubling Reasons to Shield Your Child from Faith-based Upbringing

Religion is a complex and personal topic, and there is no right or wrong answer to whether or not to raise your child with religion. However, there are several reasons why you may want to think twice about doing so.

Religion Can Be Divisive and Harmful

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Religion has been the cause of countless wars, genocides, and other atrocities throughout history. It can also justify discrimination, oppression, and violence against those who do not share the same beliefs.

Religion Can Be Used to Control People

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Religious leaders often use their influence to control their followers’ thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs. This can be especially harmful to children, who are more vulnerable to manipulation.

Religion Can Teach Children to Be Intolerant and

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Many religions teach that there is only one right way to believe and live and that anyone who does not follow that path is wrong. This can lead to children developing an intolerance for other people’s beliefs and lifestyles.

Religion Can Stifle Critical Thinking and Curiosity

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Many religions demand unquestioning obedience to their teachings. This can encourage children to ask questions or think for themselves.

Religion Can Promote Pseudoscience and Superstition

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Many religions teach beliefs that are not supported by evidence. This can lead to children growing up with a distorted understanding of the world.

Religion Can Be a Source of Guilt and Shame

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Many religions teach that people are inherently sinful and must constantly strive to earn God’s forgiveness. This can make children feel guilty and ashamed of their thoughts and behaviors.

Religion Can Be Used to Abuse Children

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Some religious leaders and parents have used religion to justify physically, emotionally, and sexually abusing children.

Religion Can Lead To Isolation and Loneliness

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Children raised in religious households may feel isolated from their peers who do not share their beliefs. This can lead to loneliness and depression.

Religion Can Be Expensive

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Many religions require their members to tithe (donate a portion of their income) or pay other fees. This can financially burden families, especially those on low incomes.

Religion Can Be Time-Consuming

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Attending religious services, participating in religious activities, and studying religious texts can take significant time. This can be difficult for families already busy with work, school, and other commitments.

Religion Can Be a Source of Conflict and Stress Within Families

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Family members’ different religious beliefs can lead to conflict and stress. This can be especially harmful to children.

Religion Can Be Used to Justify Harmful Practices

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Religion can be used to justify harmful practices such as child marriage, female genital mutilation, and conversion therapy.

Religion Can Teach Children to Be Afraid of Hell and Other Forms of Punishment

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Children who are taught to be afraid of hell may develop a fear of God and religion. This can make them reluctant to ask questions or explore their faith. It can also make them more likely to conform to religious expectations, even if they disagree.

Religion Can Teach Children That They Are Superior to Others Who Do Not Share Their Beliefs

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Some religions teach children they are superior to others who do not share their beliefs. This can be harmful to children, as it can lead to arrogance, prejudice, and discrimination. Children who are taught that they are superior to others may develop a sense of entitlement and a lack of empathy for those who are different. They may also be more likely to bully or harass those not sharing their beliefs.

Religion Can Prevent Children From Learning About Other Cultures and Religions

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Some religions teach that their beliefs are correct and that all other religions are wrong. This can discourage children from exploring other religions and cultures. They may also be taught to be afraid of or prejudiced against people with different beliefs.

Religion Can Discourage Children From Pursuing Their Dreams and Aspirations

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Some religions teach that specific careers or lifestyles are sinful. This can discourage children from following their passions.

Religion Can Be a Source of Trauma for Children Who Are Abused or Neglected

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Children raised in religious households may be less likely to report abuse because they are afraid of being punished or believe they deserve the abuse. This can lead to long term trauma.

Children Have the Right to Freedom of Religion and Belief

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This means they should be allowed to choose their own beliefs when they are old enough. Raising a child with a particular religion can deprive them of this right.
These are a few reasons you may want to think twice about raising your child with religion. Ultimately, whether or not to raise your child with religion is a personal decision. However, it is essential to know the potential risks and consequences before deciding.

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