Think Again! 15 Astonishingly Rare Phenomena You Mistook for Everyday Occurrences

We encounter things daily that leave us thinking that certain beliefs and assumptions are common, but how common are they? Whether it’s the odds of hitting the jackpot or the rarity of green eyes, we have compiled a list of things you think are standard but aren’t.

Insanity Defense

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We all think that an insanity defense is quite common and easy to use to get out of punishment for a crime committed. However, the insanity plea is rarely used, and when it is, it’s unlikely to succeed. To use this plea, it needs to have a lot of evidence to prove that the defendant was unable to tell the difference between right and wrong at the time of the crime, which is difficult to prove.

Heroic Fire Rescues

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When we watch a fire rescue on TV or in a movie, we see an individual usually re-entering the burning building to save someone. However, this is rare and is usually discouraged due to the high risk involved. Firefights are trained for these situations and have protective equipment as well as extensive knowledge of fire.

Green Eyes

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We usually admire green eyes more than any other color because they are rare and beautiful. They are rare, with only 1-2% of the world’s population having green eyes, one of the least common eye colors ever.

Midnight Burglaries

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We often think that burglaries happen in the middle of the night, and this thought is something that can keep us from having a restful sleep. However, crime statistics state that most burglaries happen during the day when people are usually out of the house at work or school. It is more of a media portrayal of a burglar coming into the home at night than a reality.

Autistic Savants

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We often think that autistic individuals have extraordinary talents like it’s portrayed in movies like “Rain Man.” However, this isn’t the norm, and even though some people with autism have incredible abilities, better known as savant syndrome, most don’t. Autism is a disorder on a spectrum, and the abilities can vary widely for those affected, just like it does for those not on the spectrum.

Halloween Drug Myth

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Due to movies and a once-upon-a-time true crime documentary, we now all believe that giving out drugs disguised as candy on Halloween is a regular occurrence. However, this is an urban myth, and in reality, it’s scarce. So, don’t worry so much, and let your children enjoy the trick-or-treat excitement. The reason why it’s so rare is believed to be because of the expense and that those who buy drugs wouldn’t waste them on unexpected children who wouldn’t be giving them any cash for them.

Hitting A Jackpot

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There is an allure with casinos that makes people believe that hitting the jackpot and becoming instantly wealthy is the best thing in the world, and many people spend hundreds of money at a time. However, the odds of winning a large amount of money on the lottery or slot machine could be higher, although it does happen. Casinos profit because they make people believe that they can win big.

College Dropout Millionaires

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There are a lot of stories about those who have dropped out of college and become millionaires or even billionaires. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are good examples, usually highlighted in the media. However, these are rare cases, and most successful entrepreneurs have mostly completed their education without dropping out of college. If you do this, you will likely have lower income and fewer job opportunities.

Airplane Crashes

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It’s common to fear flying; you’re thousands of miles up in the sky, and we usually worry about the plane crashing. However, the odds of a plane crashing or not working correctly are slim, and the odds are about 1 in a million. Traveling by car is considered much more dangerous, but it’s a risk that people take because they are accustomed to it.

Red Hair

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We see a lot of red hair in the media and popular culture, making many of us believe it’s a standard hair color. However, only 2% of the population possesses red hair. It’s the rarest natural hair color, and most of those individuals are found in Scotland and Ireland.

Eat Tide Pods

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A “Tide Pod Challenge” gained attention in the media a couple of years ago, leading to the perception that it was a common thing to do. In reality, only a few cases were reported, and thankfully, the trend became discouraged because of the serious health risks involved.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

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Previously known as multiple personality disorder, DID is a rare condition, and even though it is usually portrayed frequently in TV shows and movies, it only affects 1-2% of the population. Even though it is shown on TV, it usually doesn’t give an accurate perspective of the experiences of those with DID.

Gym Bullying

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Maybe you’re thinking of going to the gym, but you’re worried about being bullied or belittled by those who spend more time there, but this is essentially a myth. When you go to the gym, many people are supportive and focused on their workouts. Positive encouragement and reinforcement are seen at gyms rather than bullying or judgment.

Water Breaking in Pregnancy

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Often in the media, your water breaking during pregnancy is seen as a dramatic gush of water, and most of the time, it’s said that it’s the first sign of labor. However, this isn’t the case; it only happens in around 15% of pregnancies. Labor usually starts with contractions, and the waters might not break until later in labor, or they might not break at all and have to be broken by a healthcare provider.

Resuscitating Drowning Victims

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You might think that resuscitating someone who has drowned is common, but this is a myth. It is a lot harder and takes much more power than many people think. Once the heart has stopped, there is only a 1 in 20 chance of survival with CPR. These chances can be doubled with an AED – Automated External Defibrillator, but that’s only 1 in 10. When hearts stop, the majority of them don’t restart.

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The change in the automotive industry has been incredible over the year. Baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 can’t get enough of the cars listed below, as muscle cars emerged in the 1960s, and new technologies appeared in the 1970s and 1980s. You can imagine why boomers genuinely appreciate these vehicles.
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When thinking of America, we don’t expect there to be boring or unpleasant places to visit. We see all the different states on the TV, and they show the best parts. However, there are some states you won’t want to visit, and you should brace yourselves if you ever happen to stumble into them.
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