Boomer Advice Backfire: 18 Tips That Millennials and Gen Z Just Won’t Buy!

Here are 18 boomer tips that are no longer relevant:

Always Buy a House

couple buying house
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While homeownership can be a significant investment, it’s not the only way to build wealth. And with rising housing costs, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for young people to afford a home.

Get a College Degree

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A college degree is still valuable, but there are other paths to a successful career. There are many other ways to learn new skills and advance in the workforce, such as trade schools, apprenticeships, and online courses.

Work Hard, and You’ll Be Successful

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Hard work is essential but only one of the factors determining success. Other factors, such as luck, privilege, and connections, can also play a role.

Save for Retirement Early

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Retirement savings are substantial, but living in the present and enjoying your life is also important. And with the rising cost of living, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for young people to save for retirement early.

Get Married and Have Kids

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Marriage and kids are not for everyone. And with the rising cost of raising children, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for young people to afford to have a family.

Follow the Rules

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The world is changing rapidly, and the old rules no longer always apply. It’s essential to be adaptable and willing to think outside the box.

Don’t Quit Your Job Without Another One Lined Up

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In today’s economy, getting hop is more common than ever. And with the rise of remote work, it’s easier than ever to find a new job without quitting.

Dress for Success

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While it’s important to look professional, wearing a suit and tie is only sometimes necessary. And with the rise of casual workplaces, many people are dressing down more and more.

Don’t Talk About Politics at Work

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Politics are more divisive than ever, so it’s best to avoid talking about them at work, according to Boomers. However, as politics is so ingrained in everyday life, it is difficult not to talk about it, and sometimes, it is productive to debate about what people care about.

Don’t Air Your Dirty Laundry on Social Media

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Social media is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but you must be mindful of your posts. Once something is online, it’s hard to take it back. However, sometimes people want to show more of themselves online to be more authentic rather than always putting on a solid face.

Don’t Trust Anyone You Meet Online

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The internet is a great place to meet new people, but it’s essential to be cautious. While Boomer’s advice on sharing personal information is valid, the internet is now where people can make real connections.

If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say, Don’t Say It at All

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Boomers are wrong on this one, as it can silence people from speaking up about important issues, even if those issues are difficult or uncomfortable to discuss. For example, if someone is being harassed or discriminated against, they may be reluctant to speak up if they fear being judged or attacked.

Don’t Get a Credit Card

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Credit cards can help you build your credit history. Your credit history records how you have borrowed and repaid money. Lenders use it to determine whether or not to approve you for a loan and what interest rate to charge you. A good credit history can save you money on interest and make it easier to get approved for loans in the future.

Drink Milk

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Milk is one of many good sources of calcium. Calcium is an essential nutrient for bone health, but it can be found in many other foods besides milk, such as leafy green vegetables, tofu, tempeh, and fortified plant milk.

Always Carry Change

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In today’s cashless society, it’s becoming increasingly common to be able to pay for goods and services with a credit or debit card. Even if you’re going to a place where cash is only accepted, you can often use a mobile payment app like Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Don’t Take Your Vacation Time

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Taking a break from work can help to reduce stress, improve mood, and boost energy levels. Vacations can also allow you to relax and recharge, improving productivity and creativity when you return to work.

Stay in The Same Job

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The job market has changed. In the past, people often stayed in the same job for their entire careers. However, today’s job market is more competitive, and people are more likely to change jobs multiple times.

Always Balance the Checkbook

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While balancing your checkbook can be a helpful way to track your spending and manage your finances, it is optional for everyone. If you are using online banking and budgeting tools, you may not need to balance your checkbook every month. Most people use online banking. Online banking makes it easy to track your spending and account balance. You can view your transactions in real-time and see exactly where your money goes.

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