If you were born between 1946 and 1964, you would be classified as a baby boomer. Millennials have a lot to thank your generation for, as you have significantly shaped American culture, especially in terms of home trends. However, even though these trends were once popular and beloved, they have now become outdated. The major issue is that many baby boomers are reluctant to let go of these home trends, even as the world around them has modernized.
Plant enthusiasts of today might strongly disagree, but in the past, ferns were ubiquitous and greatly cherished. However, they no longer need to be present in every room. Ferns experienced a significant surge in popularity during the 1990s and 2000s, yet baby boomers find it hard to part with them.
Animal Print
You might recall adorning your home with animal prints or at least having one item in a room featuring such a design. However, in 2023, we can now acknowledge that animal prints no longer hold the same appeal and come across as somewhat tacky.
Lace Doilies
There is an undeniable charm in lace doilies and their vintage style, but they exude an old-fashioned vibe. Millennials have valid reasons for disliking them, as they are undeniably outdated. Despite this, baby boomers continue to hold onto them.
Mass-Produced Furniture/Art
While mass-produced art serves those on a budget well, encountering the same piece of art in three different households can be monotonous. Baby boomers tend to retain the art they acquired when they first moved in, yet opting for a unique piece of art imparts a more sophisticated look to one’s home.
Sponge Painted Walls
In the 90s, people embraced creative home décor, leading to the adoption of sponge painting as a trend. This choice was questionable, but it remains a favourite among baby boomers. They would apply paint to a wall in splotchy patterns using a sponge.
Pastel Rooms
If you lived through the 80s, you likely remember pastel-coloured bathrooms. However, it’s time to leave this trend behind. Pastel colours, especially green, now evoke a somewhat unpleasant sensation and have fallen out of favour.
Tuscan Kitchens
The early 2000s ushered in various household trends, including low-rise jeans, frosted tips, and a distinct kitchen style. While the warm and cosy aesthetic of Tuscan kitchens is appealing, 2023 leans towards bright, airy kitchen spaces rather than dark, dim Italian villa-style kitchens. However, baby boomers still hold affection for the latter.
Carpet in Bathrooms
While having carpet in bathrooms was once popular, it comes with numerous drawbacks. Visiting your mother or grandmother might reveal carpeted bathrooms, but we now recognize their limited functionality and aesthetic appeal.
Matching Window Treatments
Entering a room where everything matches can be unsettling as if you’ve stepped into a different era. When curtains share patterns with window valances, and both match the furniture, a time warp sensation ensues. Baby boomers, however, continue to adore this style.
Art with Words
Phrases like “Live, Laugh, Love” once adorned homes, but they now evoke cringe-worthy feelings. These clichéd phrases belong to the past, yet you’re likely to encounter them in a baby boomer’s home.
Linoleum Flooring
Although linoleum is practical and easy to clean, it lacks the contemporary style of real ceramic or wood flooring. Most people nowadays opt for these options, which breathe life into a room and create a warm atmosphere. Nonetheless, baby boomers remain attached to linoleum flooring.
Matching Everything
In contrast to the current willingness to mix and match, the past saw a craze for uniformity. Entering a baby boomer’s house might reveal red curtains, red chairs, red rugs – everything matching. While this trend was once endearing, it no longer holds the same appeal to millennials.
80s Lamps
Almost everyone has encountered at least one of these lamps, with their additional touch features. However, these lamps transport us to a different era. While stained glass holds an enduring beauty, millennials prefer not to incorporate them in their homes as baby boomers do.
Wood Furniture Overload
Pine wood furniture, popular among baby boomers, prompts thoughts of seeking an interior designer today. Pinewood has fallen out of favour for nearly a decade, making it essential to catch up with more contemporary choices.
Terrazzo Gone Wild
Terrazzo, a design that gained prominence from the 1930s to the 1990s, experienced a brief resurgence before losing favour again. Despite this, baby boomers still hold onto their appreciation for it.
Vertical Blinds
Once a source of both frustration and satisfaction, vertical blinds have been surpassed by more practical and noise-free window coverings. While baby boomers cherish them, millennials no longer find them appealing due to their fragility and tackiness.
Tile Countertops
Tile countertops were trendy in the 1970s, boasting easy cleaning and reasonable aesthetics. However, the grout between tiles proved challenging to maintain, leading to a shift towards more up-to-date options. Baby boomers still maintain these countertops.
Popcorn Ceilings
Most contemporary homes feature plain ceilings, a departure from the textured “popcorn” ceilings of the past. Baby boomers are perhaps unaware that smoother ceilings would enhance their living spaces and attract more visitors.
Clunky Sofas
While square sofas were a hit in the 90s, today’s preference leans towards curvier designs. Despite this shift, baby boomers continue to extol the virtues of square sofas.
Fake Fruit
Once, dining room tables adorned with a bowl of fake fruit were common. This imitation fruit is still available in some stores, likely catering to the tastes of baby boomers. However, millennials consider them time-wasting and high-maintenance.
Rustic Barn Doors
A staple of farmhouse-style homes, rustic barn doors remain beloved by baby boomers. While they’ve enjoyed enduring popularity, newer trends are beginning to overshadow them.
All White Kitchens
Baby boomers have embraced all-white kitchens, a trend that persists today. Yet, these kitchens are challenging to clean, prompting a shift towards more colourful options. The pandemic inspired greater experimentation with colour throughout the home.
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