Hidden Pitfalls: 21 Items You Should Skip When Thrift Store Hunting

If you are the kind of person who wants to do your bit for the environment as well as save money, thrift shopping can be a rewarding experience. The joy of grabbing a bargain and saving items going to landfills is second to none, but you need to be cautious. We look at 21 things you should never buy at thrift stores.

Car Seats

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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends replacing car seats after an accident, even if they appear undamaged. This is because car seats can be compromised in an accident, even if they don’t show any visible signs of damage.

Cribs and Mattresses

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Cribs and mattresses should be new to meet current safety standards. Used cribs and mattresses may be missing parts or have been recalled due to safety concerns.

Underwear and Swimwear

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Underwear and swimwear are personal items that should be new to avoid the spread of germs. You may be lucky to find donations of unused underwear but make sure that the items have attached labels and the protective sticker on any pants.

Stuffed Animals

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Stuffed animals can be a breeding ground for bed bugs and other pests. There are also many people who donate stuffed animals with dirt and spills on them that don’t necessarily come out in the wash. If your child wants to take stuffed animals home, you may want to leave them at home!

Laptops and Computers

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Laptops and computers can be easily damaged, and knowing if they work correctly without testing them can be challenging. If you want to buy second hand technology, you should ask to try it before you buy and request a return guarantee if it fails at home.

Furniture with Dated Fabric

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Furniture with dated fabric can be challenging to reupholster and may not be worth the investment. It would help if you did your homework on upcycling costs before buying something that will cost too much to do.

Curtains and Rugs

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Curtains and rugs can harbor dust mites and other allergens. Some thrift stores will use a professional cleaning service to rid upholstery of mites, but smaller stores may be unable to afford to do so.

Toys with Small Parts

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Toys with small parts can be a choking hazard for young children, so buying age-appropriate toys for your child is essential. Toys donated to thrift stores often do not come in boxes, so you will not see the age guidelines, meaning you must rely on your judgment.

Baby Gear

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Baby gear, such as strollers, can be just as unsafe to buy as car seats second hand. They should ideally be bought new to meet current safety standards.

Medical Equipment


Medical equipment, such as crutches and walkers, should be new to ensure clean and sanitary. There could also be damaged equipment donated to thrift stores that may be unsafe for those with medical needs.

Bicycle Helmets

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Bicycle helmets, like car seats and baby equipment, must pass strict safety standards before reaching the market. When donated to a thrift store, there is no guarantee that they have not been involved in an accident, so they may not be safe.

Expired Food

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Expired food can be unsafe, so it is not worth the risk. People mean well donating dry food items to thrift stores but may only sometimes check the dates. Usually, thrift stores will sift through old food, but some may need to be noticed.

Chemicals and Cleaning Products

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Chemicals and cleaning products can be dangerous if not handled properly. If bottles have been partially used or damaged, they may not be safe, especially if they are outside the box with no safety instructions.

Pet Supplies

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Pet supplies, such as food and bedding, can harbor bacteria and parasites. You should ask the thrift store if the items have been cleaned and sterilized before they put them on the shelves. If you buy pet items, cleaning them as soon as you get home is best.

Personal Care Items

Personal care items, such as tweezers, shavers, and body massagers, can be a breeding ground for bacteria and are best bought new unless you can see a way to clean them thoroughly.

Damaged Items

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You may be tempted to pick up a project at the thrift store by buying items that must be in complete working order. Damaged items are not worth the investment, as they may not be repairable.

Items with Stains or Odors

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Items with stains or odors may be challenging to clean or remove the smell. Expert thrift store attendees will have an array of cleaning tricks up their sleeve, but if you are not used to cleaning up secondhand items, it may cost more for cleaning products than the item itself.

Items That Are Not Your Style

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Don’t buy something because it’s cheap if you don’t like it or won’t use it. It is common for people to buy smaller-sized items as they are cheap, and they hope to fit into them one day, but this may never happen.

Items That You Don’t Need

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It is easy to overspend at the thrift store despite you getting bargains. When items are cheap, it is tempting to buy lots of them. Try only to buy things you need or want and set a budget for how much you want to spend before going in.


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Makeup is a personal item and, ideally, should not be bought secondhand. Used makeup and brushes can contain bacteria, and some will have an expiry date that you should stay on.

Items That You Can’t Afford

As mentioned, you should set a budget for thrift store shopping and stick to it. Only go to the thrift store with what you can afford and be tempted by high-cost items, even if they are much cheaper than buying new ones.

Using your common sense when shopping at a thrift store is essential. If you need more clarification on an item, it’s best to avoid buying it.

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