Toxic Teaching: 20 Harmful Lessons We Need to Erase from Our Children’s Education!

Parents want to do the best for their children but can often teach them things that are detrimental to them. We look at 20 things we need to stop teaching our children.

That They Have to Be Perfect

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Children need to learn that it’s okay to make mistakes; everyone does. If children believe they must be perfect to be loved and accepted, they may feel like they are never good enough. This can lead to low self-worth and a negative self-image.

That They Have to Be Quiet

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Children should be encouraged to express themselves, even if it’s loudly. Children express themselves through play and talk. If they are constantly told to be quiet, they may feel like they are not allowed to be themselves. This can stifle their creativity and imagination.

That They Have to Be Tough

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It’s okay for children to be vulnerable and show their emotions. Children need to learn how to express their emotions healthily. They may learn to suppress their emotions if they are constantly told they have to be tough. This can lead to emotional problems later in life.

That They Have to Be Independent All the Time

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Children need to learn to ask for help when they need it. Children need to feel loved and accepted for who they are, including their need for dependence. If they are constantly told they have to be independent, they may feel like they are not worthy of love and acceptance.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Their Bodies

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Children should be taught to love and respect their bodies, regardless of size, shape, or color. Children taught to be ashamed of their bodies may believe they are not worthy of love and acceptance. This can lead to low self-esteem and a negative body image.

That They Have to Be Afraid of Strangers

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Children should be taught to be cautious around strangers, but they shouldn’t live in fear of them. Children are naturally curious and trusting, and telling them to be afraid of strangers can create anxiety and fear. This can make it difficult for them to interact with new people and to feel safe in their environment.

That They Have to Be Afraid of the Dark

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It’s okay for children to be scared of the dark, but they shouldn’t let it control their lives. Children have a natural imagination, and telling them that the dark is scary can make them anxious and fearful. This can make it difficult for them to fall asleep and stay asleep.

That They Have to Be Afraid of Failure

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Failure is a part of life, and children must learn how to handle it. Kids who fear failing may be less likely to try new things or challenge themselves. This can limit their learning and development.

That They Have to Be Competitive All the Time

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It’s okay for children to be competitive, but they should also learn to cooperate and work together. Competition can be a healthy motivator, but too much competition can lead to anxiety and stress in children. This can make it difficult for them to enjoy activities, learn, and grow at their own pace.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Their Mistakes

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Everyone makes mistakes, and children need to learn from them. Kids who are afraid of making mistakes may be less likely to take risks and try new things. This can limit their learning and growth.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Their Emotions

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Children should be taught to express their emotions healthily. If kids are taught to be ashamed of their emotions, they may learn to suppress them. This can lead to various problems like anxiety, depression, and addiction.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Their Families

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Children should be proud of their families, even if they’re not perfect. If kids feel ashamed of their families, they may develop anger and resentment towards their parents or other family members.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Their Cultures

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Children should be taught to appreciate their cultures and the cultures of others. Kids are told that their culture is not good enough because it is different; it teaches them that it’s not okay to be different. This can lead to shame and guilt for being who they are.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Their Religions

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Children should be taught to respect their religions and the religions of others. Kids are told that their religion needs to improve, and they may be less likely to learn about and appreciate it. This can deprive them of a valuable part of their identity and make it difficult to connect with their faith.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Their Sexual Orientation

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Children should be taught to accept themselves and others, regardless of their sexual orientation. It can increase the risk of mental health problems. Children who are told to be ashamed of their sexual orientation are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Their Gender Identities

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Children should be taught to accept themselves and others, regardless of gender identity. Telling children to be ashamed of their sexual orientations reinforces the idea that something is wrong with being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. This can lead to discrimination and prejudice.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Their Disabilities

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It is important to remember that disabilities are a natural and normal part of human diversity. There is nothing wrong with being disabled. Children with disabilities should be accepted and loved for who they are, regardless of their disabilities.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Their Mental Illnesses

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Children should be taught to accept themselves and others, regardless of their mental illnesses.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Their Socioeconomic Status

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Children should be taught that everyone deserves respect, regardless of socioeconomic status. Mental illnesses are just as real and serious as physical illnesses, and they should be treated with the same respect and compassion.

That They Have to Be Ashamed of Anything About Themselves

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Children should be taught to love and accept themselves for who they are. We can nurture this attitude by accepting ourselves in front of our children.

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