Generation Confessions: 18 Shocking Parenting Blunders Gen Z Swears to Avoid!

When you become a parent, you face all sorts of challenges and rewards. However, some parents look back at how they once parented and realized that some of their decisions were far from great. Looking back, these parents become regretful, and the children who experienced these parenting hacks live on to never want to repeat the same mistakes.

Ignoring Their Children’s Achievements

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We can all admit that we’ve spent more time concentrating on what our children did wrong than what they’re spending their time doing right. This can impact your child as they grow older, thinking that their achievements aren’t worth knowing about or telling. When a child’s efforts are recognized, it can ultimately cause them to lack motivation or feel that they don’t need to succeed in life. Millennials swear not to repeat this with their children, and thankfully, there are a lot of parents now who acknowledge every one of their children’s successes, and there is a broader encouragement to pursue their goals and dreams.

Hitting or Spanking Their Children as a Form of Discipline

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In the past, hitting or spanking your children was standard practice. However, doing this has been proven to have caused children to have long-term adverse effects. These effects have been caused on their mental health and well-being, causing children growing up in this generation to fear being hit or making mistakes. However, making mistakes is normal, and we’re all entitled to make a mistake as long as we learn from them. Millennials know not to repeat this behavior, and there are now laws that state that spanking and hitting your child is frowned upon and not to be done anymore. Instead, positive reinforcement and clear boundaries should be put in place.

Using Technology as a Babysitter

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When technology first came out, and even now, it’s common for parents to put their children in front of the TV or tablet to keep them quiet for 10 minutes. Technology can be used as a helpful tool, and in moderation, it’s beautiful, but using it constantly to have a technological babysitter for your children could be harmful to their development. It’s been sworn by people who grew up with a screen placed in front of them more than having a person present that they will not repeat this behavior with their children. It’s important to limit screen time and prioritize better activities, such as crafts or roleplay, which will promote physical activity, socialization, and creativity.

Comparing Their Children to Others

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We all hate being compared to others, which would happen often when millennials were children. Most of the time, children are compared to other children due to social skills, academics, or sports, and it can dishearten a child and make them think that what they do isn’t good enough. Their self-esteem can be dramatically negatively impacted, and children who grew up with parents who did this have promised not to repeat it with their own children. Instead, millennials want to bring their children up in a nurturing environment and ensure they are supported and encouraged.

Forcing Their Children to Follow a Certain Career Path

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When we have children, we always envision what we want their lives like. Of course, we want our children to have good jobs, excellent relationships and to live a life that they’re proud of, but there have been some parents who have tried to push their children too much into a specific career without even asking their child if it’s what they want to do. This can make a child feel as if they aren’t in control of their own lives and can hinder their ability to follow what they want to do and their passions. If a child was brought up with parents who pushed them this way, they have vowed not to repeat the behavior. Millennials have instead said that they want to support their children’s interests and encourage them with whatever they wish to do in the future.

Neglecting Their Mental Health

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Even though mental health is now at an all-time high, and we’re all being made more aware of the signs and symptoms, when millennials were children, many parents would ignore their children’s mental health. Anyone who grew up in these times where mental health was ignored has sworn not to do the same to their children and knows the importance of being present and supportive instead of causing their child to think they aren’t necessary, so their mental health doesn’t matter.

Making Negative Comments About Their Appearance

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We all know how sensitive body image is as a topic; whether you’re a child, teenager, or adult, it can be challenging to handle any comments about how you look. Some parents would make negative comments towards their children about their appearance, which would ultimately negatively impact their self-esteem as they grow older. Millennials have sworn not to repeat this behavior with their children and instead promote a positive body image and self-love.

Being Overprotective

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If you’re overprotective with your children, this can cause a whole whirlwind of issues. It can cause a form of sheltering from the real world, which means that your child will become unknown to the world and real-life issues and problems. Even though, as a parent, your intentions might be in the right place with your overprotectiveness, it can make it difficult for your child when faced with the real world. Suppose you were brought up with overprotective parents. In that case, you’ve probably said that you won’t be repeating the same behaviors with your children and, instead, might rather have a balance between protecting your children and allowing them to learn from any mistakes they’re faced with.

Ignoring Their Children’s Feelings

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In the same manner as ignoring your child’s mental health, ignoring your child’s feelings can cause many issues. Making your child believe that they shouldn’t be crying over certain things to “toughen them up” will make them believe that their emotions aren’t valid, and it could ultimately hinder their emotional development, which is vital to possess in life. Millennials raised with parents who ignored their feelings said they wouldn’t repeat this with their children. Instead, they would create an accepting and open environment so their children can express emotion without fearing judgment.

Imposing Their Beliefs on Their Children

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If you grew up with parents with solid values or beliefs, you could’ve expected to have the same imposed on you. It’s common for parents to want to pass certain things down to their children. But, imposing a belief onto your children can be damaging and challenging for your child to grow up knowing their own identity. Millennials would much instead create an accepting and open environment where their children can explore their values and beliefs without thinking they will be rejected or judged.

Defining Gender Roles

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There was a time when there were many “pink” and “blue” jobs around the house, and it was more common for the mother to stay at home while the father went out to work. However, times have changed, and Millennials have stated that they won’t follow the same behaviors as their parents when defining gender roles. Millennials would much rather their children be brought up in a society with more acceptance and equality.

Expecting Blind Obedience

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Gen Z parents used to expect their children to follow directions and orders without questions, which would then cause frustration for the parents if their children didn’t do as they were told the first time. Children need direction and explanations to understand, especially as their brains are still developing fully. Millennials who have become parents have said they would rather their children question their directions and understand why they are being told to do something, ultimately giving their children more critical thinking skills.

Neglecting a Work-Home Life

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Back in the day, it was common for parents to be away from home for long periods or to work longer hours that were, in some cases, unethical and would mean that they wouldn’t see their children for a couple of days. However, millennials have adopted a better work-home lifestyle to spend time with their children because they know how abandoning it can feel to be away from a parent for extended periods.

Neglecting their Own Needs

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Many millennials would witness their parents neglecting their needs, leading to depression and burnout. Due to mental health being more noticeable and it’s more encouraged to speak out about how you’re feeling, millennials know that even though our children are significant, it’s also a necessity to be able to take care of ourselves, and this means that their children will then take on this self-care routine and know that when they’re older, they can make the same positive steps.

Using Food as a Reward

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How often have you heard a Gen Z parent say that if a child does one job, they can have a packet of sweets? Even though this is a child’s dream, and it does work to a certain extent, millennials try their best to avoid it. Giving your child food as a reward can lead to unhealthy eating habits, and kids will see food as a manipulation tool rather than food. Millennials understand this and are creating better eating habits for their children.

Inadequate Communication

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There have been many parents who won’t give their child an explanation and will instead say, “Because I said so” as an answer. This can leave a child feeling confused and as if they are unheard, which can follow them through their life and could lead to ineffective communication methods. Millennials are taking on a lot of “gentle parenting,” which is more communication-based and ensuring that your child is heard and you’re explaining better why they can or can’t do something.

Forcing Kids to Clean Their Plates

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Millennials cringe as they think of a time when they were forced to finish everything on their plate. Understandably, wasting food isn’t great, but sometimes, it’s worse for your child to overeat. Many Gen Z parents would force their child to finish everything on the plate, and in some cases, this could lead to an unhealthy relationship with food. Millennials are now teaching their children to listen to their bodies and better understand their hunger cues.

Overemphasis on Winning

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There was once a time when winning was everything. Participating was great fun, but Boomer’s parents would show their disappointment if they didn’t win. Doing this can give a child a false sense of self, thinking that if they don’t win, they’ll be a colossal disappointment, leading to poor self-esteem. Millennials are trying to teach their children that the effort they put in and the fact that they’re participating matters more than winning. Winning is an overall bonus.

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