“You’re a Terrible Neighbor” – You Might Be a Bad Neighbor if You Are Guilty of These 15 Things.

You might not even realize that you’re a bad neighbor, but there could be something that you’re doing unintentionally that could be making your neighbors think you’re the worst one on earth. This could be the beginning of you becoming the neighborhood gossip, which none of us want to be. Certain things could send unintentional messages to your neighbor, such as your habits, homes, and lawns. Let’s see if you show any “bad neighbor” signs.

Car Parts or Old Vehicles

Land Rover Series 2
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You might have had a car you no longer use or have been out of use for some time, and you think the best place to put it is on your front lawn. However, this awful sight can cause you to look like a bad neighbor. If you’re doing this, you might want to consider contacting the scrap men who can take it away because not only does it cause an eyesore, but it can also cause a devaluation in the properties around the neighborhood.

Barking Dogs

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Nobody likes noisy animals, especially if they excessively bark. Whether in your house or in your backyard, your neighbors will be going crazy with the noise. Understandably, you’re unable to control how much a dog barks or when they bark, but there are certain things you could put in place. You could consider getting a trainer in, or even a toy or large treat that could keep them occupied for extended periods.

Excessive or Inappropriate Lawn Furniture

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Outdoor furniture could enhance your yard, and some make it look perfect. However, if you have too much furniture or look old and battered, the property’s overall appearance will remain the same. It’s essential to keep your outdoor living space well-maintained and clean.

Noise Levels

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When most people get home from work, they require some peace, so when a neighbor starts to turn the volume louder and louder as the evening goes on, this can become quite annoying. Even though there is a time in which you can be noisy without anyone being able to complain, it’s still a good idea to be considerate of those around you.

Abandoned Projects

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Your neighbors aren’t going to enjoy the look of any unfinished projects around the garden. Remember the shed you started but didn’t finish last summer? It’s bound to get on your neighbor’s nerves, and even though they might not be saying anything to you, you’re probably the talk of the neighborhood.

Stray Animals

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You might love animals and think that they love you in return, so you bring them closer by feeding them and providing them with the love they require. However, your neighbors might appreciate it less, and strays will tend to use the toilet where they are fed. It might be time to reconsider your animal affection and redirect it elsewhere.

Large Sports Flags

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If you have a neighbor who isn’t into sports as much as you, the support you think you’re showing by hanging up large flags might clash with the aesthetic your neighbor wishes for, and it could even obstruct views. Consider offering your support in other, less intrusive ways.

Over-the-top Holiday Decorations

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Celebrating the holidays is a good time for anyone, but when you’re going overboard and excessively, this can disrupt the neighbors. Too many lights, prominent inflatable figures, and loud music will cause your neighbors to dislike you, and nobody wants their holiday spirit ruined. It’s also best to remove the decorations shortly after the holiday passes instead of keeping them up for weeks afterward.

Excessive Bird Feeders

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Something is calming about the sounds of birds in the mornings, and bird feeders can attract all kinds of bird breeds and other wildlife. However, it can also lead to overpopulation and attract unwanted critters. Not only will this annoy your neighbors, but it can result in excessive noise and bird droppings.

Political Signs

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There is a time and place for politics, and on your front lawn isn’t the place. If you’re covering your lawn with political signs, this can cause an issue with your neighbor. Not only are politics very controversial, but there isn’t much need to protest your views in the way that you might be. Supporting your candidates is excellent, but your lawn is not a voting booth.

Inappropriate or Offensive Decorations

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Have you got a few gnomes on your front or back lawn holding something you think is hilarious? You might find it funny, but your neighbor may find it inappropriate or offensive. Nothing is wrong with being the quirky house on the block, but if you have decorations causing a few whispers, you should reconsider your decoration choices.

Unkempt Gardens

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It can be a bit of an eyesore for anyone in the neighborhood if you’ve got neglected and overgrown gardens. Not concentrating on your garden and keeping it neat and tidy can cause unwanted visitors, which will annoy your neighbors. You will show more respect for your neighbors and overall neighborhood if you regularly maintain your garden and keep it looking the best it can be.

Bright Security Lights

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Have you ever been dozing off to sleep and suddenly see a bright light shining through your curtains? It can be not very pleasant and disrupt your good night’s sleep. Security is essential, but the overly bright lights can annoy us. It might be time for you to reconsider the brightness or the angle of your security lights and be more considerate of others.

Too Many Yard Ornaments

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You can add character to your garden if you have a couple of ornaments, but there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed: having too many decorations around your garden. It can be overwhelming for anyone in the neighborhood, so you must strive for balance and simplicity in your decoration choice.

Noisy Wind Chimes

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We can all admit that a bit of wind chime noise is nice, but when it’s excessive, it can become a nuisance and be annoying. This can cause even more disruption if it’s windy day or night. Noisy wind chimes are something that you should think hard about before purchasing, or if you have them, then take them down when it’s exceptionally windy.

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