18 Tell-Tale Signs of Limited Educational Background and Knowledge

When asked what actions scream that someone is poorly educated, there is a common theme. We look at the top responses, from not finishing school to embarrassing themselves on social media.

Talking to People With Foreign Accents as if They Are Dumb

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Uneducated people feel they need to talk slowly and loudly to people with a foreign accent. Just because English is not someone’s first language does not mean theft is dumb.

Sharing Scam Facebook Posts

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When somebody sees a dodgy Facebook post along the lines of “share this post, and you get $500 if it gets 50k likes” you know it has been sent by someone who is poorly educated! People don’t realize that scammers are doing all they can to hack your accounts.

Using Words That You Don’t Understand

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Trendsetters are constantly developing new buzzwords that sound cool, but when people use them out of context, they appear less intelligent. Using words that you don’t understand is pretty dumb.

Not Admitting When You Are Wrong

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We can’t be right all of the time, but some people are just not willing to admit that. The educated among us will know when to hold their hands up and realize they are wrong, but the uneducated will continue to make an idiot of themselves.

Unwilling to Learn

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As well as wanting to avoid admitting they are wrong, uneducated people refuse to learn how to improve themselves. A lack of curiosity and wanting to expand your knowledge is generally a sign of people who need to be educated.

Calling Other People’s Names

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Calling people names or putting them down to make yourself feel better is the best way to think that you are the one who is the loser. If you don’t want to look uneducated, don’t bully others.

Missed Opportunities

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Some people cannot help but miss out on things, whether because they cannot afford to go to the best college or they can’t go on vacation with their friends. Missing out through no fault is not an issue, but when people deliberately turn things down, you have to wonder what is going through their heads.

Pride in Being Unintelligent

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Some very uneducated people take pride in the fact that they are less intelligent than others. Admitting they are happy to ignore opportunities to get a better education goes to show how silly some people can be.

Not Understanding Nuance

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Things are not always black and white, but uneducated people appear to think they are. People who cannot comprehend that sometimes the lines are blurred, and they need to read between them.

Thinking The Earth Is Flat

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Flat-earthers may congregate in large groups, but this does not show that they are among educated people. The belief that the earth is flat is a surefire sign that people lack scientific knowledge.

Poor Grammar

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We all make odd grammar mistakes, but when we constantly get things wrong in both personal texts and professional emails, it is a sign of a poor education. It is even worse when there is no effort to correct mistakes when they are pointed out to people.

Being Unable to Budget

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People who are frivolous with their finances when they don’t have much money coming in is a sign that they have not had the best education. People with a well-rounded education will know how to manage their finances adequately.

Interrupting Others

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It is a sign that you are well-educated when you can wait for your turn to speak rather than interrupt people. Somebody constantly interrupting when others talk is annoying and a sign they have no patience to wait their turn.

Bad Table Manners

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Good table manners and a good education often go hand in hand. Many people seem to think that a good education is all about getting grade A’s at school, but it is about being well-rounded and interacting in socially acceptable ways.

Arguing In Public

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It is crass to argue in public, and usually, educated people cannot think of anything worse than airing their issues in public. While we all get mad when we are out and about, the educated among us will know when and where to argue.

Having to Be Popular on Social Media

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People who need to post all their business over social media are not the most educated among us. Similar to arguing in public, telling the whole world what is going on in our lives, including what we have for dinner every day, is not the coolest of activities.

A Lack of Critical Thinking

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The ability to think critically to overcome problems or make decisions is not something that the poorly educated can do. If people around you can only comprehend straightforward concepts, then they may need to be educated.

Bragging About Everything

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When people need to brag about anything and everything in their lives, it is a sign that they are less educated. Instead of being able to celebrate the big wins that educated people can often enjoy, poorly educated people will feel the need to enhance their lives in any way they can.

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