10 Pre-Doctor Appointment Mistakes to Avoid and 4 Essential Steps to Take

We all think that when we go to a doctor’s appointment, we need to change certain habits, so nothing out of the ordinary pops up that we didn’t expect. The important thing is that whatever you’re going to the doctors for, they can identify the issue quickly, and this means that changing habits could make this harder.

Don’t Eat Red Food Before a Colonoscopy

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Your colon can become discoloured if you digest red or purple foods. Even when you’re asking to eat lightly the day before and ice pops are recommended, these can be troublesome too. Randall Brand, MD said, “We ask that these are not purple or red in colour because they will mask the lining of the colon and could then affect the outcome of the study.” He also said that iron supplements can have the same impact, “Iron can also stain the walls of the colon, again having an effect on a successful study. In addition, iron, for many people, can be constipating and may make it difficult for the pre-colonoscopy laxatives to completely clean out the colon for a successful study.”

Don’t Drink Coffee Before a Blood Pressure Test

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When you go for a checkup at the doctors, your blood pressure will most likely be checked. One thing to avoid before a checkup, is a drink of coffee. This can alter the results. James Dewar, MD said, “Using coffee or other caffeine such as energy drinks or colas within an hour of having your blood pressure measured can make the number artificially higher. The same goes for tobacco products and over-the-counter decongestant medications.”

Don’t Use Deoderant Before a Mammogram

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Mammograms can be uncomfortable and nerve-wracking, and this means that you have the potential to sweat. Dr. Roth said, “Mammography advises women to skip deodorant/antiperspirant or powders on the day of the mammogram. The reason is that many deodorants and powders contain aluminum, which on mammography looks similar to breast calcifications and could be read as a false positive.” You might be a bit self conscious about the smell of sweat or that you could excessively sweat, but the techs doing the mammogram are used to it. Consider showering beforehand and hopefully your self-consciousness will dissipate.

Don’t Eat a High-Fat Meal Before Getting Blood Drawn

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Deepa Iyengar, MD, said, “If you wouldn’t normally have a high-fat meal, then don’t do it so your physician can get an accurate picture of your health.” The problem with unusually large meals could cause the tests to become inaccurate. Dr Dewer said, “If your blood work will include a measurrement of cholesterol or other fats, it is best to avoid any calories for either to ten hours before the test is drawn.” Dr Iyengar added, “Your blood sugar and certain fats in the blood called triglycerides can be increased for a bit after you eat.” Luckily, your GP will usually remind you beforehand and will tell you to fast and only drink water before your blood test.

Don’t Cancel Your Gyno if You Have Your Period

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Mary Jane Minkin, MD said, “I would often joke with a patient who comes in and says, ‘Oh, I just got my period this morning, I’m so nervous,’ and it will be like right after I’ve done a cesarean section or delivery – like I never saw blood before!” It shouldn’t make any difference to the test if you’re on your period. Dr Roth says, “Some women feel more comfortable rescheduling when they have their period, but medically there is no need to do this.”

Don’t Take Cold Medicine Before a Sick Visit (If You Can)

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When you go to the doctor, you want them to be able to evaluate properly, and so if you’re sick, taking over-the-counter medication could affect this examination. Dr Iyengar said, “If possible, don’t take anything so your doctor could see any abnormal findings and assess your condition. Some medications may raise blood pressure, and your physician would not know if the medication or the illness could be the cause.” It’s important that if you are in too much pain to sit through the examination, then you need to be ready to describe your symptoms and let the doctor know what you’ve taken. Dr Dewer said, “If you are taking medications to help with an acute illness, it’s important to let the doctor know if they are helping and/or causing side effects. This can help the doctor and you decide on the next steps in treatment.”

Don’t Get Too Thirsty Before a Urine Test

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It’s important to not let yourself get dehyrated before your appointment. “Avoid episodes of major dehydration that can significantly alter a urinalysis. And avoid exercise that’s not in your normal daily routine,” Benjamin Davies, MD, said. You will know how your body will react if you usually exercise on a regular basis, and you will know how to take care of yourself afterwards. However, if you’re not used to exercising in that manner, then you will likely become dehyrated.

Don’t Get a Mani-Pedi Before the Dermatologist

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It’s important to keep your nails polish-free when going to a dermatology appointment. Sarina Elmariah, MD, said, “Avoid wearing nail polish or acrylic nails.” Your nails can paint a good picture of what’s going on with your skin, including problems like heart ailments, anemia and diabetes. You will also want your doctor to be able to spot any facial skin problems, so avoid the cover-up and eye shadow. Sarina Elmariah said, “Avoid wearing makeup or be willing to remove it if necessary.”

Don’t Have Caffeine Before Some Stress Tests

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A stress test has a person riding a stationary bike or treadmill to get your heart working. It is a test to see how your heart reacts and checks if it’s healthy. It’s important to not have caffeine before a stress test if it involves pharmacological agents. “Caffeine counteracts the medicine – adenosine or regadenosine – used to stimulate stress in the ‘chemical’ stress test,” says Dr. Lee.

Don’t Drink Alcohol Before a Cholesterol Test

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Anything that alters your triglycerides (one of the four components measured in a cholesterol profile) could lead to worrying results. Joon Sup Lee, MD, said “The precaution to abstain 24 hours prior to a cholesterol test is based on the potential increase in triglycerides that could result soon after drinking alcohol.” It is also best to avoid high-fat foods and sweets, as well as over-eating before tests. “All of these in large quantities can affect the triglycerides in the short term. Since we want the result of the cholesterol exam to reflect what your body is doing in the long term, it is best to avoid these short-term fluctuations.” Dr Lee says.

Drink Lots of Water Before a Physical

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It’s always a good idea to ensure that you’re hydrated before a doctor’s checkup. “Being well hydrated at the time of a physical will make your pulse and blood pressure at their best. If you’re having blood work or a urine test done, being mildly dehydrated can cause artificial abnormalities in the testing that can confuse the results.” said Dr Dewar. It’s always best for you to show your doctors your true lifestyle, and it’s important to remember to drink water.

Do Write Down Your Questions Beforehand

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You might be nervous regardless of the appointment you have. We all feel embarrassed and vulnerable when consulting a doctor. This is why it’s vital for you to write down any questions you would like to ask your GP before heading for your exam. Doing this will mean that you’re less likely to forget, and you can have all of your questions answered without wondering what the next steps are. Dr Minkin says, “It’s helpful if you come in with your list of questions so you’re not like, ‘Oh, I meant to ask this, I meant to ask that but I was too nervous. Don’t be afraid to write down ‘vaginal dryness is a problem’ if it is, and you can talk about it.”

Do Eat as You Normally Would Before a Checkup

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There is no reason for you to change your eating habits before your checkups. Gregory John Glabreath, MD, said, “Your providers would like you to be honest and upfront about your lifestyle and diet so they can have an accurate history of your health and provide you with the best possible care.” Dr. Dewar also said, “It takes a long time for a diet to change cholesterol and blood sugar, so a dietary change of a few days or meals isn’t going to do much.”

Do Go Ahead and Have Sex Before the Gyno or Urologist

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It’s completely okay for you to do the deed before heading for a checkup. Even though you might think this is a complete no-no. Dr Minkin says, “Your doctor’s not going to yell at you for having sex – it’s totally fine.” However, if you are nervous about it, then don’t have sex or reschedule your appointment. “It will not affect your physical exam either way, nor will it affect the Pap smear.” Dr Roth says. Dr Davies says that even though some men might be worried about a test having an effect on prostate, urine or testicles, that isn’t the case. “Normal sexual activity is fine. There are no significant abnormalities associated with sexual relations.”

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