Outdated or Just Out of Touch? 18 Baby Boomer Life Skills That Are Basically Useless in Today’s Modern World

Life was very different when boomers were younger compared to how we grow up now. There are many stories that we’re told from older generations, and a lot of the time, we can’t believe what we’re hearing. Skills and habits that were once considered an essential part of life are no longer viable. This article concentrates on what life skills boomers once had that are no longer useful to us.

Scrabble Battles

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We might get scrabble out once a year, usually at Christmas. A boomer usually suggests playing it because they see it as an essential life skill. However, scrabble is hardly played and is kept at the back of a cupboard, gathering dust. Back then, it was common for boomers to take Scrabble exceptionally seriously, including using a dictionary. A dictionary would come in handy when a person thought that someone else was cheating, and the dictionary would be checked to see if the word was accurate, settling many disputes and debates.

Recalling Phone Numbers by Heart

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We don’t worry about this so much these days, but when boomers were younger, memorizing phone numbers was an essential skill. Boomers would rather sit for hours remembering a number than scrolling through a crumpled address book, and it helped with the fact that boomers didn’t have mobile phones to store everything. Even though it might seem unnecessary, it’s always a good idea to spend some time memorizing numbers vital to you, just in case of an emergency or losing your phone.

From Newspapers to Newsfeeds

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For Boomers, the newspaper was essential for keeping up with the news. However, newspapers have indefinitely been traded for news feeds. Newspapers giving news a day later have become outdated and unneeded. At the same time, you can scroll through your phone and find all of the latest news immediately. When people now think about buying a paper, it’s almost pointless, and they have faded in popularity. Even news outlets have realized the shift and found it better to post on online platforms to get their popularity and clicks.

Dialing Anciety Rotary Phones

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Most homes now don’t even have home phones, let alone a rotary phone. Technology has massively evolved, so much that many children now don’t even know that housephones once existed. The rotary phones took a lot of skill to master, and a number would take some time to dial. It’s no wonder that mobile phones have become so popular.

Heavyweight Knowledge Trove

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It was common for a household to have a complete Encyclopedia set on display. Often, these books were a signal that the people were full of knowledge, wealth, and prestige. An Encyclopedia contains a bound of information and facts on every imaginable topic. It was never a case of simply going onto the internet and asking Google for the information. Boomers would use these books to gather all of their answers.

From Phonebook to Smartphone

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You might have a boomer who still possesses one of these old phone books, but many other people use their phones. The purpose of a phone book would be to note the numbers, addresses, and birthdays of the important people in your life. However, it’s straightforward to find information by just going onto social media or asking Google.

Navigating the Pre-GPS Era

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Thankfully, we have maps and built-in car navigation on our phones, so we can navigate through forests and get to any destination with just one click. However, it wasn’t as easy for boomers, and they would have to use a physical map or compass. It took a lot of skill if you wanted to go on a getaway or adventure.

Stitching Skills Were Commonplace

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If there was a problem with a piece of clothing and there was thread coming away, boomers would sit down and gather their needles and thread to fix it. However, if there’s a hole in any garments, they’ll just be thrown in the garbage. Having some basic sewing knowledge is essential, but millennials don’t have the time for it. It doesn’t mean that you have to become a master tailor, but knowing how to sew a button or do basic hemming is a skill that’s important to acquire.

Writing in Cursive

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Cursive writing was taught in most schools for boomers, but now it’s a skill that’s long forgotten. It looks fantastic, but it doesn’t matter as much anymore, especially with the rise of computer use in schools and at home. We understand that it isn’t as important as English and Maths, but it’s still nice to have neat and readable writing.

Using a Library Card Catalog

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Libraries are rarely used these days, and if you go to a library, you’ll notice that it’s primarily boomers reading a newspaper. However, back when boomers were younger, they had to use a library card catalog, which was inside a cabinet and consisted of all the books contained within the library. You could find whichever book you needed by using a book number. If we want to read now, we either use an audiobook or purchase it at the shop.

Changing Car Oil

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We rely on other people to sort out our problems for us now, but back in the day, mechanics weren’t as easy to get a hold of, and this means that any car maintenance was down to the owner of the car to sort. Changing the oil in your car can be quite a messy business, and most people don’t want to do it when they know they can pay someone else to do it for them.

Balancing Your Checkbook

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These days, we use cards and sometimes cash for everything. Whereas for boomers, balancing their checkbook was a common occurrence. If boomers wanted to pay for anything, a checkbook would come out, and all of the information needed to pay for the item would be there. This is unnecessary now, as online banking is straightforward and accessible.

Traditional Dating

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Imagine going out and actually having a face-to-face conversation with someone and getting along so well that you decided to date. No. Well, it’s a thing of the past, as most of us now use dating apps and social media to find love. However, going out and asking someone on a date was considered normal for boomers.

Using a Fax Machine

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You can see an option for faxing these days, but the button is rarely pressed. However, businesses and homes would have a second phone line, and it was connected to a fax machine. These machines were used in documents that needed to be sent, and it was as simple as placing the document into the feeder, dialing the number, and it would then copy the document. A facsimile of the document would then be presented on the other side. Fax machines are no longer needed, thanks to instant messages and email.

Using an Analogue Camera

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Our phones come with cameras now, and they’re very high resolution and quality. It’s also straightforward to take a photo on your phone; you grab your mobile, open the app, and press a button. However, before everything turned digital, taking a photo wasn’t as easy. You had to purchase a film roll, open the back of the camera, and insert it. That was the easy part. You then had to try to get the shot in frame and ensure you got what you wanted. Not only that, but you had to ensure that the film was entire before sending it off for development.

Calling the Phone Operator

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Luckily, mobile phones make it straightforward to remain in contact with friends and family. You have to press one button, and you can have a chat with anyone across the world. However, back in the early days, when home phones existed, it wasn’t as easy, and you had to call through to a human operator who would then physically connect you to the person you wanted to contact.

Using a TV Aerial

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We all lose the plot if we go somewhere and don’t have the signal to text or call someone. However, this would happen with TVs when boomers were growing up. Your TV would be connected to an aerial, which would sometimes lose connection and either turn off, or the TV would go fuzzy, meaning you had a chance of missing your favourite show. Some homes would wrap their aerial in tin foil for a better signal. We don’t have to worry about any of that now, and only a few homes use an aerial.

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