Zero Patience Left: 21 Things Pushing People to the Brink

Even the most laidback people have things they get wound up by, and we look at 21 examples of what drives people to reach their tolerance level.

Small Talk

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Most of us can handle a little bit of small talk, but it can be soul-destroying, which is why so many people are over-chatting people they don’t want to. Sometimes we want to sit in the doctor’s surgery without hearing why the person sitting next to us is in.

Long Lines

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Standing in line to see your favorite author at a book signing is tolerable, but waiting in line just to buy groceries or at the bank while the cashier chats to every customer is frustrating.

Slow Wifi

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The days of dial-up internet are long gone, so we should not have to wait for Wifi. When we want to connect to the internet, we want to do it quickly, not at a snail’s pace.

Noisy Neighbors

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When life is testing you, all that you want is to come home to some peace, but when you have inconsiderate neighbors, it is not always possible. Noisy neighbors are the bane of many people’s lives, and some even consider moving house to escape them.

Bad Drivers and Heavy Traffic

Public Transport.
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A long traffic jam when you rush to work or someone driving like they have never even had one lesson is enough to incite road rage.

Being on Hold

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From the dreadful hold music to the false promise that you are next in line, calling customer services for online support is one of the everyday things that drive people to their wit’s end.

Rude People

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It takes nothing to be kind to others and think about how they feel when you are mean to them, but it seems there are far too many rude people waiting to make someone else’s life a misery.

Unsolicited Advice

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There is nothing worse than being advised that you didn’t need it and didn’t ask for it. Some people mean well when offering advice, and others simply want to wind you up thinking they are better than you.

Poor Customer Service

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Many people question businesses that offer customer support, yet they will do anything not to help you. Rude and unhelpful staff are one of the things that test people’s tolerance levels to the highest degree.


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When you decide on a time to meet and the person you are meeting is late and does not even call to let you know, they instantly enter the terrible books. We all run late once in a whole, but when the same people do it time and time again, it makes us question our friendships. 

Phone Addiction

When the person we are meeting finally shows up, we want them to be present in our company, but some people have other ideas and are seemingly on a date with their phones. Phone addiction is real and frustrating; just look at us already!

Overly Complicated Instructions

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Why do some companies insist on writing long-winded instructions that confuse us? Having to read an encyclopedia to understand how to put a new wardrobe together is not what we signed up for.

Unreliable Friends

Man critical of woman.
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The friends that let you down all of the time by saying they will do something for you and letting you down at the last minute are the ones that make us question how tolerant we are. Please don’t make plans if you cannot commit to them.

Messy People

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It is not fair when we spend hours cleaning our home and making it look relaxing only for other house members to come in and walk their dirty shoes all over the clean floors. If everyone tidied their mess after themselves, the world would be a much calmer place to live in.

Passive Aggressive Behavior

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When people are unhappy with something, they should just say it rather than drop snide comments that do not get straight to the point. We can handle the truth, but we cannot handle games.

Drama and Gossip

Man looking at other woman.
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Life is too short to get caught up in drama and gossip that is of no concern to you. People have a low tolerance for those who gossip, as the likelihood is they will be talking about them at some point which is not cool.


Man worried about future.
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Negativity breeds negativity, so people who want to stay positive and look on the bright side avoid pessimistic people at all costs.

Online Trolling

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Online trolling is one of the nastiest things people can do to others, and you will struggle to find many people who support such cruelty. A zero-tolerance approach to any online bullying is the only stance to take.

Lack of Motivation

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Hard work and determination are good traits to have, and there is nothing more trying than people who lack the motivation to get up and do things. It is hard to tolerate lazy people when you are doing all that you can to work hard and be a good friend.


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We are all equal no matter how unique we are, which means that there is no place for people to discriminate against others.


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When people have a sense of entitlement, they will not be met with tolerance from many people. If one person needs to work hard to get what they want, it is frustrating to see others expecting things to be handed to them on a plate.

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The change in the automotive industry has been incredible over the year. Baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 can’t get enough of the cars listed below, as muscle cars emerged in the 1960s, and new technologies appeared in the 1970s and 1980s. You can imagine why boomers genuinely appreciate these vehicles.
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When thinking of America, we don’t expect there to be boring or unpleasant places to visit. We see all the different states on the TV, and they show the best parts. However, there are some states you won’t want to visit, and you should brace yourselves if you ever happen to stumble into them.
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