18 Silent Struggles Faced by Men in Desperation, Often Beyond Women’s Understanding

by Victoria Richards

Men often go it alone with their struggles, believing women will never understand what they must endure. We look at the desperate times many men have to go through.

Communicating in Relationships

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It is essential to keep communication strong, so both parties know where they stand. Some women need to realize their men can have a different communication style and are not simply being ignored. Some men struggle to communicate, so women need to try to listen and encourage open communication.


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Men often struggle to work on themselves as they are busy living up to stereotypes and looking after everyone else in their family. Like women, men want to improve themselves and work on personal development, but they don’t often get praise.

Everyday Life

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Life can be tough with the everyday grind of working life getting men down. While men want to do many things, such as travel and try new hobbies, they are often caught up in the things that don’t bring them joy.


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Making time for friends is easier said than done. Many men need help finding a time to get together when everyone is busy with work and family life. Men want to be good listeners to their friends, and they want to let their hair down once in a while, but it can be challenging.


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Making time for family is also tricky, especially if they live far away. With work duties and relationship commitments, the family can often be last on the list for men. While parents may think that men are forgetting about them, more often than not, it is just that they are struggling with finding enough hours in the day.


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There is much societal pressure for men to be masculine and robust, which should not be the case. Masculinity means different things to different people; no man should be told to conform to specific standards.


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Financial pressures are genuine for many men as they struggle with rising living costs. Men want to earn good money, but they also want a job they can enjoy, which can often be challenging.


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The dating merry-go-round is just as difficult for men as it is for women, sometimes even more so. Men can feel stressed trying to find their perfect partner, and sometimes they have to go on many dates before meeting the right person. Men need women to be upfront, as playing games is the last thing they need.

Personal Values

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Some men are very conscientious and want to stay honest and authentic. This is only sometimes possible as many men feel that trying to fit in makes them less of themselves. To stand up and be yourself requires strength, and some men find that hard to maintain.

Dealing With Adversity

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Life can be cruel and does not always go how you want it to. Some men can shrug off adversity, but others struggle when things do not go their way. To stay motivated and stick to achieving goals is something many men aspire to.

Moving on From Mistakes

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We all make mistakes, but some are more difficult to move on from. Men often juggle with taking risks so that they can learn from their mistakes and manage to overcome difficult experiences.

Remaining Humble

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Staying grounded is something that most people strive for, but some people struggle with. Remembering who you are and where you come from can help you stay humble and respect those less fortunate.

Eating Healthy

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Like women, men go through ups and downs when it comes to staying healthy. Sometimes men can be dedicated to staying fit and eating well, and other times they want to eat junk food on the sofa. The struggle to keep fit is genuine; not all men can get up at 5 am to head to the gym before the office.

Being a Good Listener

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Believe it or not, many men are excellent listeners and can often be just as good an ear as your girlfriend. Men are often judged as unable to understand what women are going through but do want to help in any way that they can.

Dealing With Stress

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Men have to deal with life’s stresses just as much as women, which can often be a struggle. The pressure to work hard, Look after family, and stay fit and healthy can be too much. YTrying to get a good work/life balance is what we all strive for, and men want women to know they don’t always find it easy.

Staying Curious

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Whether it be travel, further education, or a new hobby, men want to continue learning to keep them motivated. Staying curious keeps the brain ticking over, and many men want to embrace this aspect of their life.

Building Strong Relationships

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Investing in all relationships is essential to men, despite how difficult it can be sometimes. They need to navigate building solid relationships with their families, partners, and friends, which can sometimes be a lot.

Taking Risks

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Taking risks is something that we all have to do in life. Sometimes we delight in taking risks as they pay off, and at other times we wish we would have kept things the way they were, but that’s life.

Mental Health

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All of the above struggles men have to mean their mental health can suffer. Finding time for self-care and getting things off their chest when needed is essential to men, and we should encourage them to do so without insult.

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