“It Costs How Much?” 18 Things We All Enjoyed Until The Rich Ruined It

It is often thought that while the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Wealth inequality can lead to many injustices, as we explore 18 things we all enjoyed until the rich ruined it.

The Housing Market

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Once a place to live, it is now an investment vehicle for the wealthy. Rich people have bought up all of the cheap housing and are now making a lot of money from working-class people who can only afford to rent properties.

The Art World

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Once a place to appreciate beauty, now the art world is a playground for the ultra-rich to launder money and avoid taxes. While this may seem cynical, it is unlikely that poorer people can afford to buy original art these days.

The Diamond Industry

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Once a symbol of love, the diamond trade fuels conflict and poverty worldwide, and natural diamonds are out of the question for those on a low income.

The Fashion Industry

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Once a way to express oneself, it is now a polluter of the environment and a source of worker exploitation. High fashion is not accessible to poor people, so good quality clothing is not adorable, creating more demand for fast fashion that feeds into worker exploitation.

The Food Industry

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Once a way to nourish ourselves, it is now a source of processed junk food and unhealthy additives. Food is also costly these days, especially whatever food the rich deem to be trendy at the moment, often making it difficult for people who have been eating that food their whole life to afford it.

The Education System

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Once a way to level the playing field, it is now a debt trap that only the wealthy can afford. Poor people are often cost out of attending a good college, making the rich/poor education divide even more expansive.

The Healthcare System

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Once a way to get the care we need, it is now a for-profit enterprise that puts profits over patients. If you are lucky enough to work in a company that provides good health insurance, you can get good access to health care, but this is not always easy for people in low-paid jobs.

The Media

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Once a way to inform the public, it is now a propaganda machine for the wealthy and powerful. The tabloid media look to exploit people whenever they can, and people with low incomes can be easy targets. At the same time, the rich can pay off journalists to keep their stories out of the papers.

The Political System

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Once a way to hold our leaders accountable, it is now a corrupt system bought and sold by the wealthy. Poor people often feel they have no political representation and feel their voice is lost in the system.

The Environment

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Once a place to live and thrive, it is now a polluted mess destroyed by the wealthy. While everyone is responsible for the environment, wealthy people often take more flights, drive more cars, and discard more trash.

The Oceans

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Once a source of life, it is now a dumping ground for the wealthy. The rich contribute to poor water quality with fancy boats, fishing trips, and high-octane vacation activities.

The Forests

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Once home to wildlife, it is now a source of timber for the wealthy. There are also large businesses destroying forests for financial gain, whether it be building houses or selling products that need to clear ancient lands.

The Climate

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Once a stable system, it is rapidly changing and is being disrupted by the wealthy. Again, the poor contribute to climate change, but the rich generally have a higher carbon footprint.

The Future

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Once a time of hope, it is now a time of uncertainty and fear due to the actions of the wealthy. With fewer opportunities and poor education, many people struggle to see ways in which they can see a future for themselves.

Our Children

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Once our future, now the ones who will inherit a world destroyed by the wealthy. Children with rich parents look forward to a rewarding life ahead, but poorer children often struggle.

Our Happiness

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Once something that we could take for granted, it is now increasingly out of reach due to the ever-growing gap between the rich and the poor.

Our Freedom

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Once something we could be proud of, it is now being eroded by the wealthy and powerful.

Our Democracy

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Once a system we could believe in, it is now a sham manipulated by the wealthy to serve their interests.

These are just a few of the many things the rich have ruined. It is time for us to stand up to them and demand change. We need to create a more just and equitable world where everyone has a fair chance to succeed.

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